Can anyone upload wt86047 image (flash boot) to other file hosting i`m unable to download from miui ( download stuck always)i tried more than one week but fai wt86047 image (flash boot) download help ,xiaomi miui official forum. Fastboot rom for redmi 2 pro hm201483=wt8604=hm2xtdpro. thread starter bzidroglio; start then i try with the unofficial eu rom, but it says i'm trying to install a wt86047 rom on a hd2014813 device. guess i need to find that other rom to make it into my language. 2014813 td-lte(chinese words). i bought it as a redmi 2 pro lte 2gb ram. 2. redmi 2 td-scdma (china mobile) jaringan 4g lte 1800, 2600 hanya rilis di china, tapi banyak beredar disini melalui distributor non resmi. kode device, batch dan official rom dan tiap jenis ini ada versi enhanced/ prime/pro ( perbedaan istilah atau nama menurut lokasi distribusi, spek umum mirip)..
Copy to sd card install : battery minimal 50% settings , about , update from sd card , chose 8.0. Pilih file twrp yang akan dipasang (twrpv28, hm11/17, hm13 atau wt86047), install lewat rashr atau flashify tadi. hp redmi 2 prime hm2014813 pc/laptop/notebook yang telah terinstall driver lengkap dengan operating system minimal win 7 file twrpviapc kumpulan rom redmi 2 prime hm2014813;. Karena tidak ada rom globalnya maka kita mencoba memasang rom global untuk redmi 2 ekor 11 pada redmi 2 ekor 13, tapi masalah kemudian timbul di antaranya: sinyal hilang, menu setting ga bisa dibuka, galeri eror, fitur kamera hilang, kalau mau hapus aplikasi malah restart dan masih banyak lagi..